Friday, October 21, 2005

Rick Warren States a Foundational Truth

Rick Warren: 'God Didn't Need Us, He Wanted Us'--interview with Saddleback pastor and Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren --

"We were created for a relationship, not a religion - not rituals, not rules, not regulations. "
Today we are standing at the tipping point of history. More and more people are realizing that there is one God, Jesus Christ, and that He loves us truly, deeply, and forever. More and more people are discovering that faith is not about guilt and condemnation, it is not about holy men or holy places, it is not about human power and control, dogma or doctrine or tradition - true faith is about each individual realizing that God loves them. It is about each individual accepting that love and giving it to others. It is about service, hope, love, inspiration, strength, and confidence. It is about exercising the full power of God's love in our relationship with God and our relationships with other people. Jesus summed it up best when He said, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" in Mark 2:27.

The Lord God Jesus Christ created us because He wanted someone to love, someone to be in relationship with. He gave His Word not to limit us, but to free us. His commandments are not so much a list of "Thou Shalt Not.." as they are an encapsulation of how healthy relationships work. His Word is not just a collection of history, prophecy, and stories - it is God's method of communicating His eternal messages to all people. It is His love letter to the human race, His compassionate attempt to explain the lifestyle and decisions that lead to happiness, peace, contentment, fulfillment, success, and eternal life. It is His invitation to a lasting relationship with Him, an eternal friendship with your Creator. Salvation is not just the goal, it is the lifestyle. Heaven is not just a destination after death, it is a way of life right here, right now.

So Amen, Rick, keep on reaching one more for Jesus, because the truth is: "We were created for a relationship, not a religion - not rituals, not rules, not regulations. "

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